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一、始 (第4/4页)
course that's what you like.'might not get much sleep tonight. “It’s not that I'm just using you — you just look like you need it too. And when that sun es rolling through, we'll have done what we came to do. “Ain’t no o think tonight, to whisper babe or wink tonight. Seems to me you'll do alright, just keep bringing those drinks tonight.” 唱完第叁句的时候Alex哈哈大笑起来,捧过她的脸使劲儿亲了两下。一首歌唱完他已经开心得脸红扑扑的,眼角眉梢全是笑意。 “This be arranged for sure.” 他吻住她。 下一刻,尖叫声从四面八方传来。人群往各个方向拼命地奔跑,嘶喊。空气里一时间回荡着惊慌和恐惧,夜晚冰凉的空气仿佛一下被上帝抽干,让活在人间的生灵瞬间窒息。 短短几秒钟,每一个人都经历了一场生死。 傅谈笑很快反应过来看向Alex,Alex也几乎在同时抓住她的手,喊道,“run”。两个人飞快地朝地铁的反方向冲过去。情急之下她扔掉了手里的甜筒,左手紧紧地回握住Alex的手,眼睛专注地盯着前面的路。 也不知道跑了几条街,他们停在一栋灯火通明的公寓楼下。 她从来不知道自己可以用百米冲刺的速度跑这么久。低头一看,还好她穿的是一双平底切尔西靴。 手一摸,心跳还在,Alex还在,包还在。幸好幸好。 劫后余生的感觉袭来,她腿一软几乎要坐在地上。 Alex半扶半抱地固定住她,“Babe, you OK? e here.” “We don’t know what exactly was that, but presumably it’s a terrorist attack. I need you to keep yourself together. Don’t collapse just yet, yeah?” Alex认真地盯着她,确保她听进去他说的话,随后他掏出手机,点开Twitter。 “Well, it would appear that was a ktack in the tube.” “Oh! The knife man ut down by the police!” 他把手机递给她看,安慰地摸了摸她的脸。 傅谈笑的各种情绪忽热涌上来,眼眶不可控制地发热。她搂住Alex的脖子,放肆地哭出了声。 “Now you know you are with a strong and sexy guy. Don’t you?” Alex调笑道。 她抬眼瞪他,不敢相信他在发生了这么可怕的事情之后还能开玩笑。 他哈哈一笑,把她揽进怀里。“No matter what happens, we will jolly well carry on and have our cup of tea.” 顿了顿,他稍微严肃了一点,“That’s what you gotta be used to living here in London.” 她想起刚才听到的男女的尖叫声,小孩的哭声,还有朝她大声喊“run”的路人,还是觉得有一种不真实感。 原来亲历恐怖袭击是这样的感觉,无辜百姓的生死不过一瞬间。有人来得及,有人来不及。她感到身上一阵凉意,从头到脚仿佛被冰水浇透。? 她呆呆地看着Alex关切的双眼,听见自己说,“ I stay at your place tonight?”