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Prologue (第1/2页)
prologue spoken by mr. woods on his be-night, monday, 16th april, 1787. when, by a generous public's kind acclaim, that dearest meed is granted—ho fame; waen here your favour is the actor's lot, nor even the man in private life fot; what breast so dead to heavenly virtue's glow, but heaves impassion'd with the grateful throe? poor is the task to please a barb'rous throng, it needs no siddons' powers in southern's song; but here an a nation, fam'd afar, fenius, learning high, as great in war. hail, caledonia, name for ever dear! before whose sons i'm honour'd to appear? where every sce, every nobler art, that inform the mind or mend the heart, is known; as grateful nations oft have found, far as the rude barbarian marks the bound. philosophy, no idle pedant dream, here holds her search by heaven-taught reason's beam; here history paints with elegand force the tide of empire's fluctuating course; here douglas forms w