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Scotch Drink (第1/3页)
scotch drink gie him strong drink until he wink, that's sinking in despair; an' liquuid to fire his bluid, that's prest wi' grief and care: there let him bouse, an' deep carouse, wi' bumpers flowing o'er, till he fets his loves or debts, an' minds his griefs no more. (solomon's proverbs, xxxi. 6, 7.) let other poets raise a fracas 'bout vines, an' wines, an' dru bacchus, an' crabbit names an'stories wrack us, an' grate : i sing the juice scotch bear mak us, in glass . o thou, my muse! guid auld scotch drink! whether thro' wimplin worms thou jink, or, richly brown, ream owre the brink, in glorious faem, inspire me, till i lisp an' wink, to sing thy name! let husky wheat the haughs adorn, an' aits set up their awnie horn, an' pease and beans, at e'en or morn, perfume the plain: leeze me on thee, john barley, thou king o' grain! on thee aft scotland chows her cood, in souple ses, the wale o'food! or tumblin in the boiling flood wi' kail an' beef; but when thou pours thy stro's blood, there thou shines chief. food fills the wame, an' keeps us leevin; tho' life's a gift no worth receivin, when heavy-dragg'd wi' pine an' grievin; but, oil'd by thee, the wheels o' life gae down-hill, scrievin, wi' rattlin glee. thou clears the head o'doited lear; thou cheers ahe heart o' drooping care; thou strings the nerves o' labour sair, at's weary toil;