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03 产品销售 (第2/11页)
4. i think you'll know our products better after this visit. 我觉得此次参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。 5. all these articles are our best selling lihis year. 所有的这些产品都是我们今年的畅销货。 6. if you are ied in our products, i will prepare a list of them. 如果您对我们的产品感兴趣的话,我可以列表供您参考。 7. our policy is not to grant exclusivity. 我们的方针是不授予专卖权。 8. these are iional practice. we 't break them. 这些是国际惯例,我们不能违背。 市场调查莫草率 dialogue it's not easy to carry out a market research. 要做一份市场调研并非易事。 a: how to carry out a market research? a:市场调研是怎样做的? b: hmmm…that's a very wide question. one of the objearket research is to find out whether the products will have a market or not. b:嗯……,这是一个范围很广的问题。市场调研的目标之一就是要找出这种产品是否有市场。 a: who does this kind of job then? a:那么由谁来做这个工作? b: sometimes we carry it out by ourselves, but for the major products costing higher we would employ specialists. the market research budget normally takes up 2% to 3%of the pany sales. b:有时我们自己搞调研,但对于那些开发费用高的主要产品,我们请专家做调研。调研的预算一般占公司销售额的2%到3%。 a: it seems that your pany attaches great importao the market research. a:看来你们公司很重视市场调研。 b: of course. information is a critical ingredient in formulating and implementing a successful marketing strategy. when starting a research, we always collect the sedary data first to see whether their problems have been partly or wholly solved rather than the costly primary data. b:当然。制定和实施一项成功的市场营销战略,信息是至关重要的一部分。开始做调研时,我们通常会先收集次级资料以判断问题是否部分或全部得到解决,而不是先去收集成本很高的初级资料。 a: what's that mean? what is the costly primary data? a:那是什么意思?什么是成本很高的初级资料? b: primary data be collected in four ways: observation, focus groups, surveys and experiment. it will u order to ensure a successful and effit survey. the general rule is that t